Seeing blood spots in your underwear when your period ended days ago can feel puzzling and concerning. Known as intermenstrual bleeding, spotting between periods and ovulation is not normally cause for alarm. But in…
The 24hr fix for vaginal dryness
Hahaha – oops! Is Your Pelvic Floor as Weak as a Kitten? Then Try This.
– A. L.
My mission is to provide trusted guidance and information to make menopausal health and wellbeing more accessible and attainable to all women.
My goal is to help women feel confident in their bodies and their future and to do so I create healthcare that empowers women by providing the tools and education to restore functionality so that their bodies are whole again.
My method is simple: I remove what is harmful and add what is beneficial based on cutting-edge science and traditional wisdom. In this way l provide effective and natural healthcare solutions for women of all ages.
Partner with me to feel healthier, look great, and increase your energy and resiliency to better deal with life’s stresses.