Let’s have a great start to every day by connecting with our group.

Laura and I will be hosting a check in every morning, 7am – 7.30am.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Day 1 – Friday 4th October

Hypnosis Day 1 – Beginning the journey

Day 2 – Saturday 5th October

Hypnosis Day 2

Day 3 – Sunday 6th October

Quick recap
Sandra, Laura, and Ani discussed their health and dietary habits. Laura led a hypnosis session and discussed the importance of making conscious decisions and visualising oneself in a position of power. The conversation also involved the benefits of self-care, with Sandra deciding to start a celebration jar for her progress in the detox.

Next steps

  • Sandra to create an achievement jar and start adding notes about her successes.
  • All participants to love bomb themselves and share on WhatsApp how they are encouraging themselves.


Detox Program Experiences and Commitment
Laura and Sandra discussed their experiences with a detox program. Laura admitted to cheating a bit by adding pumpkin seeds to her meal and making a gratin, but she felt it was better than her usual diet. She also mentioned that she tends to take a loose approach to sticking to the program. Sandra asked if Laura could have a cheat-free day, to which Laura responded that it would be rare for her. Laura expressed her intention to stay committed to the detox and not ruin the three days she has planned. Ani, who was also present, shared that she had done well with the detox program.

Diet Changes, Health Effects, and Sleep
Ani discussed her recent diet changes, including consuming avocados and feeling the effects of detoxification. She also mentioned experiencing a headache and feeling tired. Laura shared her experience of sleeping better and having fewer hot flushes, that are now more intense, like pins and needles in her legs. Both Ani and Laura reported feeling better after eating. Sandra encouraged them to continue their progress and asked about their caffeine intake, to which Laura revealed she had significantly reduced it. The conversation ended with Sandra asking about their sleep and Ani sharing that she had slept for around six hours.

Dietary Habits and Detoxification Effects
Ani and Sandra discussed their dietary habits and the effects of detoxification. Ani shared that she doesn’t eat much carbohydrates and prefers eggs and fish for a more substantial meal. Sandra agreed that the experience of detoxification depends on one’s starting point, and it’s easier if one is already eating less carbohydrates. They also discussed the diuretic effects of detoxification, noting that as sugar intake decreases, water is released from the body.

Using Willpower vs Staying in One’s Power
Laura and Sandra discussed the concept of using willpower versus staying in one’s power. Laura then led a hypnosis session, guiding participants to a place of relaxation and power. She emphasised the importance of being in one’s body and letting go of tension. The session concluded with Laura encouraging participants to find a place of perfect relaxation within themselves.

Conscious Decisions and Personal Growth
Laura discussed the importance of making conscious decisions in life, likening it to a tree’s branches and twigs. She emphasised the power of these decisions, stating that they shape our lives and outcomes. Laura also highlighted the choice between old and new habits, suggesting that one should choose the new ones with care and self-responsibility, rather than force or strictness. She encouraged the audience to listen to their bodies and make choices that are best for their health, investing in their future well-being.

Hypnosis Session for Food Choice Control
Laura led a hypnosis session aimed at helping participants visualise themselves in a position of power and control over their food choices. She emphasised the importance of repetition to fully benefit from the session. Sandra and Ani shared their experiences, with Sandra describing a vivid visualisation of herself in a powerful state. Laura concluded the session by stressing the need for self-motivation and self-giving in making healthier choices.

Living in the Future and Small Decisions
Sandra and Laura discussed the importance of living in the future and making decisions that align with their future selves. They agreed that making big changes requires envisioning the future and making choices that lead to a better future. They also discussed the power of small decisions, likening them to casting votes for their future selves. Laura mentioned that these small decisions can add up and influence their overall well-being. They both decided to implement a method of self-encouragement and self-rewarding by keeping a jar to write down their accomplishments and put them in as a reminder of their successes. They ended the conversation by setting a task for the next day, to love bomb themselves and share their progress on a Whatsapp group.

Day 5 – Tuesday 8th October

Day 6 – Wednesday 9th October – check out celebration and next steps