feel better, go further

Love Your Menopause with a holistic Functional Medicine approach

You have the potential to feel the best you ever have and live your life the full in menopauase, starting now.

it’s not meant to hard – it’s meant to be a joy

Something has gone wrong with how we’re experiencing menopause

What should be a quieting of our hormones that leads to the freedom of no periods, no pain, no mood swings, has been turned into a life of misery and fear.

It follows the trajectory of women’s declining health – for years we have been suffering with more PMT, PCOS, endometriosis and now awful menopausal symptoms, all of which are based in poor nutrition, toxicity and stress.

do we need to change our lifestyles?

Is it menopause itself or is it something we’re doing?

There are women all over the world for whom menopause is a joy and has zero to minimal symptoms. Women in Asia experience fewer menopausal symptoms – in Japan, only about 25% of women report experiencing hot flashes and until recently there was no word for ‘hot flush’ in Japanese. Similarly Mayan women in Mexico experience no symptoms at all

we need to lean to the changes

oestrogen declining is normal.
So why are we suffering?
Could it be our lifestyles?
the food we’re eating?

Women in countries that experience no or minimal symptoms are living very different lives to us in the Western modern world. They eat much less sugar and processed food and they move more.

More and more science is showing that menopausal symptoms are much more likely in women who eat too much carbohydrate and have high blood sugar, who are stressed and who don’t move much.

science shows our metabolism has changed

The truth is we need to adapt to the metabolic energy switch that declining oestrogen brings

Science shows that as oestrogen is declining, our whole metabolism is adapting. For example, as oestrogen declines our ability to use sugar for energy also rapidly declines. Instead, during perimenopause, our bodies are naturally adapting to using an alternative energy – fat – for energy.

This means a drastic change in nutrition for you, if you are eating sugar / carbohydrates every day. If your insulin is high, you can’t use fat for energy and you will develop the 7 core symptoms: hot flushes, night sweats, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, weight gain and low moods.

30+ symptoms are associated with menopause and all of them can be explained

because every symptom has a root cause

Functional medicine combines science, nature and spirit to optimise health and wellbeing

Oestrogen works hand in glove with insulin to allow us to use sugars and starches for energy. In other words we need both insulin and oestrogen to be able to use sugars and starches for our daily energy – energy that powers our brains to maximum capacity, keeps us awake, alert and energetic during the day and asleep at night.

As oestrogen declines, just insulin is left, and the majority of sugars and starches we eat are converted to fat, leaving our brains and bodies starving.

A lack of energy fires up the flight-fight response via cortisol and leads to the 7 core menopausal symptoms: hot flushes, night sweats, anxiety (and panic attacks), brain fog, low moods, weight gain, and unrelenting fatigue.

Vaginal health thrives on a delicate balance, a balance that oestrogen significantly maintains via the vaginal microbiome which regulates everything from vaginal moisture to tissue elasticity.

As oestrogen declines, the ripple effect is felt: vaginal dryness, irritation, and increased susceptibility to infections can occur.

Why are there 30+ menopausal symptoms? Because oestrogen was a hard working multitasker which:

  • stimulated collagen which kept your skin supple and our bones strong
  • acted as an anti-oxidant and protected your joints from inflammation
  • produced choline which protected your liver
  • regulated your water balance to prevent water retention
  • boosted dopamine and serotonin keeping you happy and motivated.

Once oestrogen declines, you can supplement the work it was doing – knowing which supplements can take over oestrogen’s jobs can prevent wrinkles, loose skin, fatty liver, joint pain, low moods and more.

Acnehigh cholesterolbrain foganxietyjoint painhot flushesnight sweatsfatiguebladder prolapsevaginal drynessincontinencebloatinggallstonesheadachesinsulin resistancelow libidosluggish liverlow moodsnauseabody odourdry skindry eyeswrinklesosteoporosisheart palpitationsmuscle lossuterine prolapseweight gainwater retentionloose skininsomnia
Acnehigh cholesterolbrain foganxietyjoint painhot flushesnight sweatsfatiguebladder prolapsevaginal drynessincontinencebloatinggallstonesheadachesinsulin resistancelow libidosluggish liverlow moodsnauseabody odourdry skindry eyeswrinklesosteoporosisheart palpitationsmuscle lossuterine prolapseweight gainwater retentionloose skininsomnia

You want answers?
I’ve got answers!

My Menopause Supplement Guide mini course explains the root causes of 30+ symptoms and has supplement recommendations for symptoms ranging from acne to wrinkles.


Menopause Supplement Guide

30+ menopausal symptoms explained and supplement solutions provided, with recommended dosages and brands. This is the ultimate guide to supplements for menopause.

Acnehigh cholesterolbrain foganxietyjoint painhot flushesnight sweatsfatiguebladder prolapsevaginal drynessincontinencebloatinggallstonesheadachesinsulin resistancelow libidosluggish liverlow moodsnauseabody odourdry skindry eyeswrinklesosteoporosisheart palpitationsmuscle lossuterine prolapseweight gainwater retentionloose skininsomnia
Acnehigh cholesterolbrain foganxietyjoint painhot flushesnight sweatsfatiguebladder prolapsevaginal drynessincontinencebloatinggallstonesheadachesinsulin resistancelow libidosluggish liverlow moodsnauseabody odourdry skindry eyeswrinklesosteoporosisheart palpitationsmuscle lossuterine prolapseweight gainwater retentionloose skininsomnia

I know the root cause of every symptom because i am A functional medicine menopause expert working from the root causes to optimal health – for every woman

Hi, i’m sandra ishkanes

Functional medicine menopause expert


I have a degree in molecular biology, clinical training in functional medicine and I am an expert in resolving the root causes of women’s hormonal conditions. I work like a health detective, where symptoms are my clues and poor health is my crime scene. I identify the root causes of unbalanced hormones and create solutions to optimise health.

  • Over 10 years of clinical experience
  • Innovation means a success rate of over 90%
  • Partnership, compassion and care

i have worked with hundreds of menopausal women,
helping them transition from life-altering fear to confidence and joy

I now understand and can control the flushes!

And on top of this I have shifted 16lbs and feel better than ever.
I went from miserable to feeling great in just 6 weeks!
I felt better almost within a week and 4 weeks later all my symptoms almost gone! Having struggled with just awful menopause symptoms for a few years and feeling more and more at a loss as to how best support my health moving forward, I took the plunge and booked Sandra to work with her 1:1 to get me back on track.

Sandra provided a detailed health review, testing and a healthy eating guide. I found it inspiring to work with her, I felt better almost within a week and 4 weeks later all my symptoms almost gone! My vitality is back! It has made me feel like I’m back in the driving seat of my well-being.
Very marked improvement in almost all of the symptoms I was experiencing. I feel about 15 years younger. I asked Sandra to help me with a selection of menopausal problems I’d been struggling to manage for a few years.

Following her advice has resulted in a very marked improvement in almost all of the symptoms I was experiencing. I feel about 15 years younger, with far greater energy, far less pain and a sense of health that’s been missing for some time now. The results are obvious, and have been noticed and commented on by people around me who haven’t known that I’ve undertaken Sandra’s programme. She is professional, intelligent, capable, knowledgeable and really helpful.
I still cannot believe how much better I feel, 4 weeks later nearly all of my symptoms have gone away. Sandra put together a fantastic, easy to follow plan; personally I don’t like to call it a plan. To me it’s a new way of eating for the rest of my life.

When I started my symptoms included:

  • Frequent sleepless nights
  • Frequent headaches
  • Felt hot all of time and on occasion, hot flushes
  • Bloated and stomach cramps
  • Weight gain since the age of 40 and very difficult to lose
  • No libido
  • Vaginal dryness

I still cannot believe how much better I feel - 4 weeks later and nearly all of my symptoms have gone away and they are still improving. My next stage is to introduce fasting twice a week.

i work from this premise:

Menopause is designed to positively impact your brain, body, mind & spirit

But you need to adapt to the change

Menopause is so much more than hot flushes. It’s a whole mind & body, spirit transformation that you can fall in love with.
You have the potential to feel the best you ever have and live your life the full, starting now. Let’s work together to understand what you need to turn your life around, with the right nutrition, supplements and lifestyle choices.

what should you be eating?

Your metabolism has changed so you need to adapt what you are eating to fuel your body differently. You need to burn fat, keep your carbohydrate intake low, to keep insulin and cortisol low. You need more protein now and more fibre. But it’s different for different women.

Which supplements are right for you?

You don’t need oestrogen boosters like soya, red clover or black cohosh. Oestrogen declining is normal. Now is the time to boost your fat burning and brain function with supplements like choline, omega 3, iodine, copper, collagen and vitamin D. Blood testing can pinpoint deficiencies and the level of supplementation you need.

What lifestyle modifications do you need to make?

All menopausal women need to stop cardio and running – these boost cortisol which increases blood sugar, leading to core symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, weight gain, anxiety, fatigue, low moods and brain fog. What we need now is strength training and building muscle.

I can help you achieve 100% optimised health with a science-based menopause plaN

Because every woman has different nutritional needs in menopause


Book a discovery call

Have a chat with me so you can decide if this approach is right for you and what it would look like to work together.

I usually make an initial assessment of where the root causes of your menopausal issues lie.


Follow your plan

Have a consultation with me to uncover what you need for your menopause, based on your history, lifestyle and blood testing

Together we’ll create a plan that includes nutrition, supplements and lifestyle adjustments that work for you.


Results within 4 weeks

Succeed in alleviating all your symptoms and live life stress-free. Get help with coming off medication, including HRT, if you want to.

Start seeing results in as little as 4 weeks.

You have the potential to feel the best you ever have

You can feel so much better, go further, be stronger – you just need to get in the right relationship with menopause

As oestrogen wanes, our bodies are adapting, switching fuel sources from glucose to fat, reshaping our brains for the better, in a way that creates new power, a bracing clarity, and a laser-like sense of purpose if you know how to seize it.

We need less focus on oestrogen, and more focus on increasing testosterone, lowering insulin and cortisol, building muscle and adapting our nutrition. When we combine all these adaptations, we come into our true selves, find our true purpose and happiness in life.

Case Studies

Wouldn’t it be amazing if there were was a logical approach to our health, rather than band-aids of anti-depressants, HRT and ineffective herbs? There is.

Personalised nutrition, supplements and a focus on self-care effectively can naturally balance our needs in menopause. And it’s scientifically proven.

  • Brain fog in menopause completely cleared in 8 weeks

    LM was 59 years old when she came to see me asking for help with severe menopausal symptoms. Her most significant concerns were severe brain fog, low energy and wanting to get fit to do a trek. She said: “I have always had a busy, active life and enjoyed walking…

    Read more


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Latest primary scientific research into menopause

My functional medicine approach to menopause is for you, if:

  • Your last period was over 1 year ago
  • You want to optimise your health in menopause – alleviate anxiety, brain fog, hot flushes, night sweats, joint pain, insomnia, rashes, vaginal dryness and more.
  • You want to protect your brain and prevent dementia
  • You are looking for a natural and life-affirming approach to reversing and/or managing symptoms
  • You are not vegan and vegetarian (I don’t work with women who are committed to vegan or vegetarian nutrition)
  • You are on HRT or want to come off HRT or want to avoid HRT
  • You have experienced premature menopause
  • You are happy to do a wide range of blood tests