Menopause Core Nutrition Solution
This nutrition programme teaches you how to eat for optimum health in menopause AND is guaranteed to get rid of 7 core symptoms in just 5 weeks. No more:
- hot flushes
- night sweats
- fatigue
- brain fog
- anxiety
- low moods
- being overweight
Nutrition to stop you feeling fat, forgetful, anxious, sweaty and tired.
Included in Menopause Made Easy membership – £45/month
Oh my, I cannot believe how much better I truly feel! I recommend this programme to all women experiencing 7 core symptoms and more or you just want to change the way you eat and sleep for the rest of your life.
6 weeks
In just 6 weeks from now, you could stop feeling fat, forgetful, anxious, sweaty and tired, and learn what to eat to be symptom-free for life
You just don’t feel like yourself anymore?
Menopause is coming for us all, ready or not. And truth is, it can hit you like a train.
I’m guessing it already did?
You’ve got no energy. You can’t think straight. Your moods are all OVER the place and you’re at the end of your tether.
You just want your life back – to be able to function normally again.
To get out of bed without creaking and groaning like you’re 100 years old. For your brain to not feel like it’s wrapped in wool.
To not live in fear of that prickling, building furnace of hell that sends you running to hide in the toilets.
Truth is, everything you’ve been told about menopause is wrong
You are not deficient in oestrogen
The medical profession talk about menopause as an“oestrogen deficiency”, which implies “lack, shortage” – like your body is getting it wrong. It’s not. Oestrogen declining is normal and natural.
Oestrogen declining is our evolutionary adaptation to increase our healthspan
All menopausal symptoms have root causes beyond oestrogen
Let’s flip the question to ask what was it that oestrogen was doing to keep us healthy”… THEN we get to the root causes of the problem, and work with our bodies, rather than against them.
As oestrogen levels off, a metabolic switch is kicking into gear
change starts with a metabolic switch that stops sugar burning and boosts fat burning.
Our bodies are changing – and theOestrogen is actually a sugar-burning hormone – it allows us to use carbohydrate as sugar energy. So as oestrogen declines, the use of carbohydrates for energy becomes more and more impossible – you can extract only about 20% of energy from sugar and carbs, compared to 100% pre-menopause.
Because of this low sugar uptake, our bodies go through an amazing metabolic adaptation, switching to mainly burning fat.
But you can’t burn fat if you are eating carbohydrates because then you boost insulin, and insulin is a fat storage hormone.
So if you continue eating sugar and carbohydrates, you won’t be able to use sugar OR fat for energy and you will suffer with the 7 symptoms – which all have low energy as their root cause.
The Menopause Core Nutrition Solution turns you into a rocket-fuelled fat burner so you can ditch feeling fat, forgetful, anxious, sweaty and tired.
At the end of the 7 days no flushes at all! Literally every symptom from night sweats to anxiety has reduced massively.
Pre-detox I was getting 5-10 full on hot flushes but by day 4 if the detox I was getting 1 or 2 mild flushes. At the end of the 7 days no flushes at all! Literally every symptom from night sweats to anxiety has reduced massively. I didn’t believe I could feel this much better this quickly.
Cravings are gone, I have more energy, my mood is much better !
By the end of the week, all my cravings were gone, I had more energy, my mood was much better and I felt more motivated about getting healthy!
Sugar cravings have gone and I’ve retuned my eating habits 🙂
It’s been a really positive experience. I have really enjoyed the fact that sugar cravings have gone and I’ve had the opportunity to retune my eating habits.
The recipe suggestions are simple and tasty and there’s sufficient to allow a choice of dishes over the week. I feel happier in myself and healthier and have lost pounds as well!
Don’t blame oestrogen for what sugar is doing
you are constantly flooded with sugar energy that you can’t use and you’re converting it all to fat, while your body and brain are literally starving:
7 core symptoms develop as
You’re energy deficient day and night
If you’re not burning fat for energy in menopause then you will have:
- FATIGUE: you will feel tired all the time, which means sugar cravings, day and night;
- HOT FLUSHES: the adrenaline rush that counters low energy causes you start sweating, causing hot flushes in the day. Hot flushes are associated with dementia and osteoporosis;
- NIGHT SWEATS: Low energy pushes adrenaline and cortisol and you start sweating at night, your heart rate goes up, you can wake up startled, some women have panic attacks;
- ANXIETY: adrenaline, then cortisol, rush to release glucose from your liver to counter the starvation in your body, creating anxiety, panic attacks and even heart palpitations
- BRAIN FOG: a lack of energy to your brain leads to fogginess, memory loss, and loss of concentration, which can lead to dementia;
- LOW MOODS: a lack of energy to the brain can cause low moods, which can turn to depression;
- WEIGHT GAIN: you are constantly flooding your body with sugar it can’t use and it’s all being converted to fat. This increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis.
By treating the root cause of energy deficiency, I can guarantee that your core symptoms can be gone in a matter of weeks
I’ve proved it in my clinical work with hundreds of women.
I have a 100% success rate at reversing menopause symptoms.
If you do the work and make the lifestyle changes, your menopause symptoms will disappear and you’ll have a renewed sense of energy and feel like your best ever self.
And you can come off HRT or avoid it altogether, without any symptoms!
I’m Sandra Ishkanes and I’m a Functional Medical Practitioner.
I have a degree in Molecular Biology and a Masters in Social Anthropology and I’m an expert at rooting out and treating the cause of women’s hormonal conditions.
Through my clinical work, I’ve discovered that menopausal symptoms are rooted in poor metabolic health.
Watch my video and let me explain.
designed to turn you into powerful, healthy, fat burner to completely reverse the 7 core symptoms in 5 weeks.
My Menopause Core Nutrition Solution isbe symptom free for life.
And then you will learn how to personalise your nutrition tohow it works:
Here’sWeek 1: 7 day intensive detox
In the first week you will reset and start with a clean slate with an easy and quick detox: break through sugar cravings, reverse insulin resistance and start fat-burning.
Nutrition plan:
- Detoxifying green plants
- Good fats
- Nutritious, delicious protein detox shake
- Eat as much as you like, whenever you like
- Yes you can 1 coffee or tea a day!
So you can
- break sugar cravings
- ramp up your liver function
- start burning fat
- flood your body with essential nutrients
By the end of this week you will have
- improved sleep
- increased energy
- lost weight
- have clearer skin
- less hot flushes
- less night sweats
- less anxiety
- less joint pain
- less inflammation
Weeks 2 – 5: MenoKeto
Continue to week 2 with a clinically proven nutritional formula designed for women in menopause that guarantees fat burning and individualises protein, fat and carbohydrate levels to your needs. It’s an adaptation of the keto approach, made to work for us. By the end of this stage all your CORE symptoms will have melted away.
Nutrition plan:
- Low in carbohydrates
- Optimal healthy protein
- Optimal healthy fats
- A balance between acidic and alkaline foods to optimise fat burning
So you can
- optimise your fat burning
- be free of all your symptoms
By the end of week 5 you will have
- zero hot flushes
- zero night sweats
- zero fatigue
- zero brain fog
- zero anxiety
- zero low moods
- zero heart palpitations
Weeks 6: Personalising your nutrition
Up until now you will have been pausing starchy carbohydrates and sugar to achieve maximum fat burning potential. But because each of has a different level of oestrogen, each of us can eat different amount of carbohydrates and sugar.
In this last week I will help you identify your carbohydrate tolerance point – the level of carbohydrates that you can eat and still be symptom free.
Nutrition plan:
- Additional carbohydrate to your tolerance point
So you can
- find out how carbohydrate can you eat and still burn fat for energy
- learn what factors affect your carbohydrate tolerance pint
- know exactly what you should be eating to be symptom-free for life
By the end of week 6:
- you will learn how to nourish your body in a way that fuels you effectively
- you will be fully equipped to manage your nutrition so that you can continue to enjoy a symptom-free menopause for life
- expect a fountain of energy for life!
make your transformation a success
You will have all the guidance you need to including a 245 page journal and workbook and
For the 7 Day Detox:
- Step-by-step instructions on how to do the 7 Day Detox with a comprehensive list of foods to include and avoid (yes you can have 1 coffee a day – but no alcohol, sorry!)
- Troubleshooting guide for any detox symptoms including quick and effective fixes for constipation and fat indigestion
- Choose from 13+ healthy recipes bursting with nutrition, or create your own from the approved foods list, its so easy.
- Toxicity Quiz: how toxic are you? Take the toxicity questionnaire before and after the detox and you will be amazed at the results!
- Daily Journal: keep track of your vital statistics, how you’re feeling and the fantastic benefits you experience.
For MenoKeto:
- MenoKeto nutrition formula with the correct amounts of protein, fats and plants
- 35+ easy, nutritious, delicious recipes that can be adapted to your family
- Troubleshooting guide for supporting digestion, speeding up weight loss, eating out and more
- Navigating emotional changes in menopause and looking to the future
- Symptoms quiz to track your progress, with 75%-100% reduction in symptoms as standard
For personalising your carbohydrate level:
- Step-by-step instructions to find your carbohydrate tolerance point
- Carbohydrate symptom tracker to help you transition to healthy, symptom-free eating for life
For celebrating and next steps:
- A message from me 🙂
- Tips for next steps
You will also be fully supported with weekly Zoom checkins
But that’s not all. - Welcome and orientation Zoom session:
I will take you through the course and you will have all your questions answered - Weekly Zoom support sessions, Thursdays, 8pm:
our powerful weekly group sessions will keep you accountable, on track and help guide you through the programme. - Private social group:
we’ll do it together, you won’t be alone!
By day three I was really buzzing. Oh, and I also lost 3.5kg!
I just finished Sandra’s 7-Day Intensive Detox and feel amazing. It’s the best detox I’ve done, even after a heavy festive season. The first days were tough but by day three I was really buzzing. In a week, I’ve become ready for anything without missing out on good food, and I actually enjoyed it. I plan to do this several times a year, and I also lost 3.5kg—not bad for a detox not aimed at weight loss!
I lost 4 pounds and my ‘mummy tummy’, my sugar craving are gone
“I lost 4 pounds and my ‘mummy tummy’, my sugar craving are gone, and all the blackheads that I had on my cheeks are gone! I’m sleeping better and I have so much more energy. I will definitely do this detox again.”
I didn’t realise I had brain fog until it left!
“Within a day I felt more alert. I didn’t realise I had brain fog until it left! I was never hungry. Sandra was always there to support and encourage me if I needed help. I have a lot more energy and can stay awake during the day.“
What is your health worth to you?
the women I work with consistently rate their health as one of their top 3 priorities.
On paper.
They say that the impact of being in poor health is enormous – on them, on their families, on their ability to do…anything. And everything. That their health is of critical importance.
And yet, in real life, it certainly doesn’t LOOK like it’s a priority.
We’re so busy putting everyone else’s needs and priorities above our own, it’s barely even occurs to us that our health is something that might need some extra TLC. And when we do think about taking care of ourselves, even the simplest of self-care essentials (like shaving your legs!) can feel like some kind of illicit luxury.
That’s you, isn’t it?
Everyone else comes first, right?
So even though you say your health is worth everything to you, it’s squashed tight and going blue in the face, under the piles of other people’s priorities you’re putting infront of your own.
But there’s a reason the aeroplane safety drill says;
“Put your own Oxygen mask on first”
When you get yourself in optimum health, it’s not just you that benefits – it’s your whole family. When you have more energy, when you sleep better, when your moods don’t swing faster and more precariously than Matt Hancock’s popularity…when you’re happy, everyone wins.
So if you’re not naturally used to investing in your own health and happiness – can you see how this is also an investment in theirs?
Loving the Results ❤
❤ Women Everywhere are- Very marked improvement in almost all of the symptoms I was experiencing. I feel about 15 years younger.
I asked Sandra to help me with a selection of problems I’d been struggling to manage for a few years.
Following her advice has resulted in a very marked improvement in almost all of the symptoms I was experiencing. I feel about 15 years younger, with far greater energy, far less pain and a sense of health that’s been missing for some time now. The results are obvious, and have been noticed and commented on by people around me who haven’t known that I’ve undertaken Sandra’s programme. She is professional, intelligent, capable, knowledgeable and really helpful.
I felt as though she listened to me carefully and offered a programme that was easy for me to follow to achieve great results.
I’m now implementing her recommendations on a long term health plan. The future is bright!
Thank you Sandra.
- I couldn’t believe how Sandra resolved my vaginal dryness so quickly and easily.
I was recommended to see Sandra, as I had a number of health issues that I was getting upset that my GP was not taking seriously. I had never heard of Functional Medicine, so I was a bit sceptical at first if this approach would help.
Vaginal dryness was one of my biggest issues. The medication that my GP had prescribed did not offer any relief. Sandra was able to sort the problem within 24 hours of using a natural product. I couldn’t believe how she resolved this issue so quickly and easily. It was painful for me to even walk. I now use regularly and don’t have any issues.
I was also suffering with dreadful pains in my stomach. I had been visiting my GP for over a year with no diagnosis. Gradually Sandra managed to eliminate different health conditions that could have been causing my stomach distress and eventually it was discovered that I had a hiatus hernia.
By eliminating all illnesses suggested by my GP, they eventually had no choice but to refer me for an endoscopy. Sandra has now put together a protocol which I am about to start that is a much more holistic approach in dealing with my condition.
I cannot recommend Sandra enough.
- I am eternally grateful as I now know how to take care of my health.
I have suffered menstrual migraines all my adult life sometimes 2 a month – wiped out for 2 days at a time. As I have got older they got worse, longer migraines, exhaustion, achy body, weight gain. I am a yoga practitioner, and vegetarian, don’t drink, don’t smoke. I have tried a lot.
Recently I have met Sandra who is a functional nutritional genius.
I have lost 2 stone, and haven’t had a migraine for 11 weeks! That has not happened since I was 15.
It did cost me money, I paid for a blood test, I paid for very high quality supplements, and another blood test. She gave me 1-2-1 analysis specific to my symptoms, within 2 weeks I felt differently.
Menopausal systems can be resolved, there are many roads. I am eternally grateful as I now know how to take care of my health.
- My vitality is back! It has made me feel like I’m back in the driving seat of my well-being
Having struggled with just awful menopause symptoms for a few years and feeling more and more at a loss as to how best support my health moving forward, I took the plunge and booked Sandra to work with her 1:1 to get me back on track.
Sandra provided a detailed health review, testing and a healthy eating guide. I found it inspiring to work with her, I felt better almost within a week and 4 weeks later all my symptoms almost gone! My vitality is back! It has made me feel like I’m back in the driving seat of my well-being.
So thankful I found her, and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone feeling stuck and low about this phase of life!
- I’d recommend it to any woman – not as a diet, but as a way of rethinking how your body works, and how to fuel it properly.
I wasn’t feeling any particularly acute perimenopausal symptoms before I did the course, but I’ve always been overweight, and been increasingly aware of the need for me to get into healthier habits as I’m getting older, so I went for this course – and never regretted it! The first week’s detox seems pretty hardcore at first, but I genuinely loved the shakes and never felt hungry, despite only eating green veg. I’ve gone cold turkey from sugar before, without this detox week, and it made a huge difference this time with no sugar cravings at all – which is quite amazing! It also sets the scene for having a truly delicious and exciting return to a smorgasbord of keto options, proteins and yummy sauces, and all the tasty meals you move onto after the first week.
I did find there was significant weight loss, and very effortlessly finding it falling away without feeling like I was particularly ‘dieting’. Much more exciting though, is the different kind of energy the course gave me – no drowsy post-meal dips or cravings to binge, but feeling really alert and awake for the whole day, while sleeping really deep and sound at night. I have to admit to slipping into some old habits now, months after doing the programme, but I’m really happy to think about doing the detox week again as a ‘reboot’ every once in a while, and giving me the same kick of energy and enthusiasm I’ve had from my first time. And with the really clear explanations of what each stage of the course achieves, and the rationale underlying the re-programming of what I eat, it all makes such obvious sense, once you know what it’s all about, you don’t drop the intention to keep going with the solution, even if you falter along the way.
I’d recommend it to any woman – not as a diet, but as a way of rethinking how your body works, and how to fuel it properly.
K.E. London
- Within just a week I was feeling much healthier, clearer headed, and energised.
I highly recommend this course to any woman who has experienced any hormonal disruption and not just the menopause.
Within just a week I was feeling much healthier, clearer headed, and energised (and much happier with my general appearance!).
The online support allowed me to make the necessary changes much more easily than I would have thought possible and Sandra was a non judgmental and motivating presence throughout.
The recipe ideas were easy and delicious too!
C.E. Brighton
- I now understand and can control the flushes! And on top of this I have shifted 16lbs and feel better than ever.
I went from miserable to feeling great in just 6 weeks!
- A significant element of my overcoming the worst of symptoms was changing my approach to nutrition
After experiencing many troublesome menopause symptoms, I sought out ways to reduce the negative impact on my wellbeing and relationships. This, importantly, without resorting to HRT for what is such a natural process as menopause. There had to be a better way! There is a better way.
A significant element of my overcoming the worst of symptoms was changing my approach to nutrition. As a direct result of the experiential learning on the Menopause Master Plan my symptoms are under control, I feel healthier (mentally & physically) and am slimmer.
The nutritional guidelines are not complex and comprise all the good stuff without the fodder. I’m enjoying the food so much. It’s been hugely rewarding and also life-changing. There’s no going back…why would you?
K. A.
- Over the course of the Menopause Master Plan I have got back in tune with what works for me
This was the first time I have ever done a detox and the first 7 days made an interesting week. At first I found it invigorating and realised how I had been drinking coffee at a ridiculously high potency-this I saw quite quickly this was adding to my stressed brain!
The detox was great felt levels of energy that I had not felt in a long time. My symptoms went from 40 plus to 13 the main issues were nights sweats, erratic moods and big anxiety!
The new way of eating, viewing food as a source of living nourishment is magic. Over the course of the Menopause Master Plan I have got back in tune with what works for me. I have a new level of energy, more focussed and this very welcome feeling of calm.
Sandra was a fantastic source of motivation and support, knowledgeable and genuinely interested in helping you get the most out of it. Thank you for helping me get here Sandra.
- My well-being is 80 percent improved
I would recommend highly to anyone suffering with peri-menopausal symptoms. It feels like you’re doing yourself a massive favour. Wish I’d done it years ago!
- My energy crashes stopped, my bloating was gone and my skin was glowing!
I’m in my early 40s and female. I went to see Sandra after I started having peri-menopausal symptoms. My main difficulties were low energy levels & mood, particularly in the afternoons, bloating and dry skin.
I did her 7 Day Detox for one week and continued taking the recommended supplements. I started to notice improvements in my energy levels within a few days of starting the detox.
A fortnight later I had stopped having energy crashes in the afternoon, my bloating was gone and my skin had noticeably more moisture. People even commented that my skin was glowing! I couldn’t believe that such a transition could be made by altering my diet, especially as I considered my diet to be fairly healthy anyway.
I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Sandra. She was very experienced and personable.
- My whole health and mindset has changed
I met Sandra at a networking event recently. All I can say is that wished I met her over 8 years ago! She has completely transformed my health for good. I spoke to her at length about my peri menopausal challenges over the past 8 years and she suggested I attend her clinic for a consultation. The best 1.5 hours ever spent.
My specialist peri-menopause plan concentrated on my nutrition and had supplements personalised to me to support me – it has seen my whole health and mindset change.
Not only did she deal with this she also solved my Tinea Versicolor skin condition, recommending MCT Oil, who knew?!
She also recommended I lay off the running and concentrate on Pilates.
Two months on and my lifestyle has certainly changed for good. Anyone that is struggling with their health or nutrition or is feeling at their wits end struggling with their menopause I highly recommend you get in touch with Sandra, you will not look back!
- At end of week 4 now and am feeling great
Energy levels good, sleeping well and no major fog this month. Definitely more clarity of thinking and focus. Who needs carbs eh?!!
- Oh my, I cannot believe how much better I truly feel.
My friend recommended the Menopause Master Plan to me back in early September and although I was sceptical, I decided to sign up and give it a go. Oh my, I cannot believe how much better I truly feel.
Sandra has put together a fantastic, easy to follow plan; personally I don’t like to call it a plan. To me it’s a new way of eating for the rest of my life.
The information Sandra has provided throughout the programme has been very interesting and informative; I have learnt a great deal about how our bodies work later in life and using alternative methods to help our bodies work better. The support throughout the programme has been top class and I really like the fact that you have an online group so that we can all share what we are experiencing and also share recipes.
When I started my new way of eating my symptoms included:
- Frequent sleepless nights
- Frequent headaches
- Felt hot all of time and on occasion, hot flushes
- Bloated and stomach cramps
- Weight gain since the age of 40 and very difficult to lose
- No libido
- Vaginal dryness
My toxicity score started at 70 points and by the end of day 7 it reduced to 14. I still cannot believe how much better I feel, nearly all of my symptoms have gone away and they are still improving. My next stage is to introduce fasting twice a week.
I would recommend this programme to all women who may be experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above or you just want to change the way you eat and sleep for the rest of your life. Thank you Sandra for everything.
Everything you need to transform your health in just 7 days

Join the Course
Course Content
Full Resources
- 13 recipes
- Detox guide
- Troubleshooting guide
- Toxicity quiz to do before and after the detox
- Daily detox tracker
- Food reintroduction guide
- Food/symptom tracker