Today I’m completely free of pre-menstrual anxiety and antidepressants

Conditions explained

Hormone imbalances, PCOS, endometriosis, fertility challenges, uterine fibroids, even breast and endometrial cancer, are more than just bad luck and faulty genes – they are the result of living in a chaotic environment.

Unbalanced nutrition, a sea of toxicity and unrelenting stress are the 3 horsemen of the hormonal apocalypse that women are facing today.

The approaches described here address these root causes and form my foundation to help you reimagine your relationship with your body and hormones, empowering you to take control of your health and your life.

  • Reverse PCOS and regain your fertility

    Polycystic ovaries contain about twice as many small cysts as normal. These cysts are egg-containing follicles that have not developed properly. PCOS is the leading cause of infertility in women, and it comes in 4 types.

    Underlying causes:

    • high insulin
    • high testosterone
    • low serotonin and dopamine
    • a disturbance in the gut bacteria

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a relatively common and frequently misunderstood condition with variable clinical presentation. Its key features are irregular or absent menses often followed by episodic heavy and prolonged menses; infertility; central obesity; androgenisation (acne, male pattern hair loss, and hirsutism); and multiple ovarian cysts. It is estimated to affect 5-10% of women and is thought to have both genetic and environmental roots.

    Most women with PCOS will present with only two or three of the clinical features of PCOS:

    • Approximately 70% will have missed periods (oligomenorrhea) or lack of periods (amenorrhea).
    • Obesity is present in 70%.
    • Hirsutism to a varying degree is present in roughly 75%
    • Ovarian cysts – unilateral or bilateral- are present in 90%.

    Ethnicity plays a role in the presentation of PCOS. For example, women of Asian descent are less likely to have hirsutism. The variability in presentation of PCOS reflects heterogeneous causative factors. Thus, the approach for each woman needs to be individualised based on her particular presenting symptoms and laboratory findings.

    PCOS types

    The ovarian “cysts” of PCOS are unique in that they appear as multiple (10-20) small cysts, often forming a bubbly ring around the ovary on ultrasound. These cysts are easily distinguishable on ultrasound from benign solitary ovarian cysts that occur in up to 20% of women and from complex cysts and ovarian cancer that are also usually solitary. The numerous PCOS cysts are actually ovarian follicles that have been halted in their monthly march toward ovulation. These cysts develop a “thick skin” (thecation) under the stimulation of luteinising hormone (LH).
    When a woman presents with any two features of PCOS, further evaluation for PCOS is warranted.

    There are a variety of definitions of PCOS but the two most accepted ones are:

    • NIH consensus: A woman should have all of the following: oligoovulation, signs of androgen excess (clinical or biochemical), other entities are excluded that would cause polycystic ovaries.
    • Rotterdam consensus: Any 2 of the following: oligoovulation and/or anovulation, excess androgen activity, polycystic ovaries (12 or more S-7mm follicles) by ultrasound (Hart et al, 2004).

    By the Rotterdam criteria, a woman can have one of four PCOS syndromes:

    • PO: polycystic ovaries with anovulation
    • PH: polycystic ovaries with hyperandrogenism and normal ovulation
    • PHO: polycystic ovaries with hyperandrogenism and anovulation
    • HO: hyperandrogenism and anovulation with normal ovaries on ultrasound

    Research has shown that women with the PO syndrome do not show a tendency toward insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome in contrast to women who have all three features of PCOS.

    Underlying causes of PCOS

    Insulin resistance

    The most common underlying cause of PCOS is insulin resistance, which is observed in both normal weight and overweight women with PCOS. Insulin resistance occurs at some level in 50-80% of women with PCOS.
    Insulin resistance can occur through multiple mechanisms including genetic predisposition and lifestyle impact. Obesity has a well-known correlation with insulin resistance and plays an increasing role in PCOS given the current obesity epidemic in the Western world and much of the developed world. Overweight and obese women with PCOS are more likely to have glucose intolerance than normal weight women with the syndrome.

    However, even normal weight women with PCOS tend to have altered body fat distribution with more central (visceral) obesity that is associated with elevated insulin levels and insulin resistance.

    Insulin resistance in at least 50% of PQQ women appears to be related to inflammatory pathways that block insulin receptors, resulting in less glucose uptake by muscle cells, increased glucose in the blood and increased insulin levels. High circulating insulin then appears to increase ovarian and adrenal hormone production and pituitary LH release directly through the insulin receptor.

    Inflammatory pathways also appear to modulate the activity of the key regulatory enzyme of androgen biosynthesis, shedding light on the co-occurrence of insulin resistance and androgenisation commonly seen in the syndrome.

    Deficiency of Glucose Transporters

    Another mechanism for insulin resistance in PCOS is decreased glucose transporter- GLUT-4activity. GLUT-4 is instrumental in fat cell responsiveness to insulin. Thus, the GLUT-4 deficiency results in elevated glucose levels leading to a compensatory increase in circulating insulin levels.

    Ovarian Sensitivity to Insulin

    Why the ovaries are so sensitive to insulin when the rest of the body’s cells are resistant to it? Research shows that insulin action in the ovaries is mediated by different mechanism to the rest of the body, involving inositol. Thus, the high circulating insulin levels have more influence on the ovaries than on other tissues in the body.

    Disordered Function of the Pituitary Gland

    Insulin also has a direct impact on the pituitary gland. The elevated insulin increases the pulse frequency of the gonadotropins which results in LH dominance over FSH, increased ovarian androgen production, decreased follicular maturation, and decreased sex-hormone-binding. This means that ovarian follicles are stimulated to be released, but not not mature. In a positive feedback loop, increased androgens increase insulin resistance.

    Oestrogen Dominance

    Oestrogen dominance and unopposed oestrogen are issues that pose additional health risks in PCOS. Higher levels of oestrone and oestradiol are derived from increased aromatase activity in the excess visceral fat tissue. Increased oestrogen feeds back to the pituitary to reduce follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), resulting in arrest of ovarian follicle development (the “cysts” seen in the ovaries are actually arrested follicles). Arrested follicles prevent ovulation, with the subsequent failure of ovarian progesterone production that follows normal ovulation.

    Early on, prolonged unopposed oestrogen produces episodes of irregular, heavy, prolonged bleeding (dysfunctional uterine bleeding). Over time there is an elevated risk for uterine hyperplasia and cancer due to persistently unopposed oestrogen.

    Increased Testosterone Production

    Another route to PCOS is thought to be through a primary disturbance in testosterone production. Increased testosterone alone can contribute to the cascade of PCOS through increasing visceral fat, leading to insulin resistance, elevated circulating insulin levels, and ovarian dysfunction. In normal ovarian physiology androgens produced by LH-stimulated theca cells undergo aromatisation to oestrogens by FSH-stimulated granulosa aromatase.

    As aromatase activity increases and oestrogen levels increase, ovulation usually follows. In some PCOS patients, the ratio of follicular androstenedione (theca cell androgen) to estradiol is elevated and a mutation in the P450 aromatase gene has been found to be a cause of this shift.

    Increased Prolactin Production

    Elevated prolactin levels have been shown to correlate with PCOS. While very high prolactin levels are usually caused by a prolactin-secreting pituitary tumour, mildly elevated prolactin levels can be triggered by stress.

    Increased prolactin levels can also be caused by the persistently elevated oestradiol levels seen in PCOS. An overly sensitive pituitary has been implicated as women with PCOS have been shown to have a more vigorous and/or prolonged prolactin response to infusions of TRH (thyroid releasing hormone). PCOS is also associated with a more vigorous prolactin response to dopamine blockers.

    Prolactin promotes insulin resistance, so again the final common pathway is in part through the insulin receptors on the ovaries. In addition, elevated prolactin levels are known to promote excess hair growth.

    Lab Tests for PCOS

    Serum LH and LH/FSH ratio are significantly higher in women with PCOS, but these tests are abnormal in only about 40% of patients with PCOS. Mean serum total testosterone concentration is significantly higher in about 70% of women with PCOS.

    Androstenedione is significantly higher in about 50% of women with PCOS. When testing for all of the above, an abnormality will be detected in about 80% of women with PCOS.

    If serum testosterone levels exceed 150ng/dL a virilizing tumor of the ovaries should be ruled out with pelvic ultrasound.

    Other laboratory tests that may be indicative of other diagnoses or of co-morbid conditions include:

    • serum prolactin
    • HCG
    • fasting glucose and insulin
    • lipid profile
    • DHEA-S- levels greater than 700 suggest adrenal dysfunction warranting adrenal imaging
    • 17-hyd roxyprogesterone
    • elevated LH, estrone, and testosterone in the presence of normal estradiol (in idiopathic hyperprolactinemia, estradiol levels are suppressed)
    • 24 hour urinary oestrogen levels are increased in PCOS

    Ultrasound can identify polycystic ovaries, typically bilaterally enlarged ovaries with more than eight follicles per ovary, with follicles less than 10mm in diameter. More than 90% of women with PCOS have this finding, although this also occurs in 25% of normal women.

    My Approach to PCOS

    Women who seek support for PCOS are primarily concerned with correcting abnormal periods (particularly when it evolves into dysfunctional uterine bleeding), infertility, weight gain, hair growth, and acne.

    Additional preventive interests include associated increased risks for endometrial cancer and cardiovascular disease from hyperinsulinism. The risk of endometrial cancer is three times higher in women with PCOS. There is also conflicting evidence for a three-fold increased risk for breast cancer in the postmenopausal years with chronic anovulation.

    The functional medicine approach to a woman with PCOS takes into consideration the unique pathophysiology of each woman, addressing as required:

    • Dietary measures focused on weight loss and reduction in circulating insulin levels through carbohydrate restriction, particularly refined carbohydrates, unless the lean type of PCOS is presenting
    • Insulin resistance
    • Elevated ovarian and adrenal androgens
    • Elevated oestrogen
    • Elevated LH
    • Insufficient progesterone
    • Elevated prolactin
    • Lack of ovulation
    • Inflammation
    • Oxidation
    • Underlying stress
    • Obesity and metabolic syndrome

    In addition, frequently associated co-morbidities such as fatty liver, hypertension, depression with anxiety, cardiovascular disease, and dyslipidemia are also addressed.

  • Come off the pill and the avoid side effects

    Hormonal birth control (HBC) is a double edged sword.

    Women have fought long and hard for contraception, so that all of us could have control over our reproductive health. Birth control has always been a major part of this fight because it is an important tool in allowing us agency over our health and bodies as well as providing protection from unwanted pregnancy.

    However the problem with hormonal birth control (HBC) is that it is prescribed for women for all sorts of hormonal health issues that are completely unrelated to contraception including period pain, heavy periods, no periods, irregular periods and acne which masks those issues, and it can have significant side effects.

    It takes 12 years for a woman to mature her HPA axis – the communication pathway between the brain, the pituitary and the ovaries. So if you start your period at 14, it will take until you’re 26 to have established a healthy, normal, ovulation cycle, it is no wonder then, that many women who have been on the pill since their teens and stop in their 30s to try for a baby, have fertility issues.

    Are you having problems coming off the pill?

    The medical approach to period problems shuts ovulation with contraceptives such as the Pill, implants, injections and Nuvaring.
    As ovulation stops, so the production of DHEA, oestrogen, progesterone shuts down as well. It causes the ovaries to shrink by almost 50%, to the same size that they shrink to at menopause.

    When HBC is discontinued, the ovaries previously suppressed with synthetic hormones fail to return to healthy function, often leading to irregular periods, heavy bleeding and acne.

    In the meantime the hormonal imbalances cause troubling and potentially serious side effects such as depression, weight gain, microbiome disturbance, and loss of libido. Emerging research is also suggesting long term impacts on insulin resistance, fat mass, diabetes and bone mass.

    What is hormonal birth control?

    Our natural hormones oestrogen, progesterone an DHEA are required to make a healthy brain, bones, muscles and metabolism.

    • Estradiol (the main oestrogen) plays a key role in insulin signalling;
    • Estradiol and progesterone influence the release of neurotransmitters- serotonin, dopamine, GABA- to keep your mood stable throughout the cycle;
    • Progesterone converts to alloprogesterone and interacts with the brain and nervous system to relax and keep your mood stable coming up to your period.

    The steroids in HBC are not the same as our natural hormones:

    • Natural oestrogen is replaced by Ethinyl estradiol which worsens insulin sensitivity, causing insulin resistance and weight gain.
    • Natural progesterone is replaced with a variety of progestins
    • Levonorgestrel causes abortions -it is used in the Plan B abortion pill
    • Many synthetic progestins have a similar structure to testosterone, and are androgens i.e. they work as testosterone
    • Natural progesterone is a calming hormone which converts to allopregnenalone, which is a strong modulator of the GABA receptors in the brain. It is hormonal valium. Progestins don’t convert to allopregnenalone and so don’t support mood or brain function. Levonorgestrel dramatically reduces progesterone and therefore allopregnenalone, and does the opposite, reducing GABA receptors, leading to anxiety.

    Synthetic Progestins increase testosterone

    Progestins have an androgen index, indicating how close their effects are to testosterone.
    Androgenicity is described as the progestin’s affinity for and binding to the androgen receptor, an( it’s effect on the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG binds testosterone and estrogen making the sex hormones unavailable for use at the receptors.

    Levonorgestrel and dl-norgestrel have a high affinity for sex hormone binding globulin and decrea free sex hormone binding globulin levels by binding it and displacing testosterone, consequently increasing free testosterone levels. (PMID: 15802398)

    High androgen index:

    • Causes acne, weight gain, anxiety and hair loss (can be devastating)
    • Older progestins are made from testosterone
    • Progestins include: Levonorgestrel, Norgestrel, Medroxyprogesterone
    • Included in: Levelen, emergency contraception, Mirena, Depo-provera

    Medium androgen index:

    • Norethindrone, Desogesterel, Etonogestrel
    • Included in: Loestrin, Implanon, Nova ring

    Low androgen index:

    • suppresses DHEA, higher risk of fatal blood clots, depression and anxiety, loss of libido
    • Drospirenone – derived from a diuretic drug – anti-androgen – reduces acne but causes more depression, anxiety and clot risk than the high androgen progestins
    • Cyprotenone – Yaz and Yasmin, Brenda

    Mirena coil

    • Is an intrauterine Levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine device (IUD)
    • Works locally in the uterus, prevents fertile mucus, impairs sperm and thins the uterine lining.
    • Blood levels of progestins are at 10% compared to Levonorgestrel pill, but this is still enough to cause androgen side-effects in some women such as acne and hair loss.
    • Allows normal estradiol and some ovulation.

    Side effects of taking HBC

    • Altered microbiome of gut
    • Altered microbiome of vagina
    • Altered brain structure
    • Altered sleep architecture
    • Reduced bone density
    • Gallbladder disease
    • Increased risk of cervical dysplasia
    • Increased risk of autoimmune disease
    • Zinc deficiency
    • 3-fold higher risk of breast cancer
    • Digestive bloating
    • Recurrent bladder infections
    • Thrush
    • Vaginal dryness

    Side effects of stopping HBC

    A real period is about the healthy functioning of the ovaries and the healthy production of oestradiol and progesterone via ovulation. A pill bleed suppresses those hormones and instead is a bleed from the withdrawal of the drugs. So the timing of the pill bleed is about the dosing of the drug.

    There is no medical reason to bleed monthly on HBC. Hence HBC does not regulate periods. It stops periods altogether, and a bleed only occurs when HBC is paused which causes a drug deficiency.

    Once HBC is stopped, the most common symptoms are:

    • Irregular or skipped periods
    • Heavy menstrual bleeding
    • Ovulation pain and menstrual cramps
    • Acne breakouts
    • Bloating
    • Mood swings

    My approach to coming off HBC and avoiding side effects

    I support women in coming off hormonal birth control to minimise unwanted side effects such as rebound acne, irregular periods or no periods. Additionally she provides support for weight loss and hair growth.

    My approach is tailored to each woman. Hormonal birth control does not fix period problems, only masks them so support is customised depending on the health issues before starting hormonal birth control.

    My approach to coming off the pill consists of consecutive stages, and ideally should begin 2-3 months before HBC is stopped:

    Address health issues masked by HBC

    Individualised support, with 4 distinct strategies, depending on how periods were before HBC started:

    • PLAN A: normal periods
    • PLAN B: irregular periods
    • PLAN C: acne
    • PLAN D: heavy bleeding and/or period pain

    Nutritional support

    • Individualised recommendations for appropriate nutrition, including avoiding sugar and dairy increasing healthy fats, protein, fibre and phytonutrients.
    • Full blood tests including: liver function, thyroid metabolism, iron levels, vitamin D, vitamin B]2, folate, cholesterol, zinc levels.

    Supplement support

    Individualise supplementation of all the nutrients that HBC depletes including:

    • B vitamins: loss of B vitamins can lead to depression, which then leads women to be prescribed anti-depressant medication (if you would like support with coming off antidepressants then please mention this at your discovery call).
    • Magnesium
    • Zinc
    • Vitamin D, which declines once off HBC, and is required for ovulation
    • Support the hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis with glandulars to revive the ovaries, restore ovary-brain communication and support fertility.

    Test hormones periodically

    • 3 months after coming off HBC, testing for oestradiol, progesterone and testosterone is recommended, to make any further adjustments to your protocol
    • Some women may need cortisol tests.

    Support you while your periods normalise and side effects reverse

    How long it takes for periods to resume and normalise depends on which HBC was taken, how long it was taken for, what it was taken for originally and your age.

    • Stopping the Pill should allow the ovaries to return to their normal size within 3 months, and AMH levels to normalise within a year. Which means that conception can be delayed for over a year.
    • It can take up to ! 8 months for cycles to return after Depo-Provera discontinuation
    • IUD can allow a quick return of fertility, but progestin-based IUDs can take longer.

    The wonderful news is that I can guide and support you with nutrition, supplements and lifestyle changes to restore ovarian function and get you back to your natural flow.