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Can You Get Pregnant After Menopause? The Answer May Surprise You
Menopause, despite the fact that it has happened or will happen to every single person with a vagina, is still a pretty confusing milestone—especially for those who experience it.
For the most part, it’s common knowledge that, once a woman stops having her period, then she also stops having the ability to have children. Or at least it was, until news reports highlight that women past childbearing age—like Omaha native Cecile Edge, at 61 years old—are able to give birth to their own grandchildren in some instances.
So what gives? Can you give birth after menopause? Health asked ob-gyns about any misconceptions that may be had around if (and how) someone can give birth after hitting menopause—and what to know about giving birth past childbearing age.
The Centre for Longitudinal Studies presented findings from more than 50,000 women participating in nine studies worldwide. The results showed women who have never given birth or been pregnant have twice the odds of…
Only humans and a few toothed whales undergo the menopause, many sources will tell you. But a paper by Ivana Winkler and Angela Goncalves at the German Cancer Research Center claims that the menopause is, in fact,…
Hot flashes during sleep may be an early marker of a woman’s risk for developing Alzheimer disease (AD), according to the results of a study presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Menopause…
Women who have used hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms may be more likely to develop gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, a new analysis suggests. The study, published online June 27, 2023, by the journal Menopause,…
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